Friday, March 19, 2010


Kenapa calories?
Sebab ak on diet. :D. Diet bukan bermakna anda perlu tidak makan langsung. Itu merupakan diet yg salah. Mari kita lihat apa yang ak dapat dari internet!.

Secara umum seorang lelaki dewasa memerlukan 2500 kalori sehari! Sekiranya anda bercadang untuk mengurangkan berat badan, sila makan kurang 500 kalori sehari!. Apa akan terjadi kalo kita makan sangat sedikit kalori? cepat kurus ka? owh tidak. anda akan mengalami masalah kesihatan kerana kekurangan tenaga yang diperlukan.

Then ak pergi ke web yg leh provide maklumat lebih detail tentang kalori. Anda kena masuk berat badan sekarang dan target berat, tinggi, dll. So, ni result aku.

current weight: 66kg
goal weight: 60kg

Your results for the Men's Nutrition Guide Calorie Calculator

  • You need 2344.2 calories per day to maintain your current weight without exercise.
  • You need 2243 calories per day to reach your goal weight slowly and maintain that weight without exercise.
  • If you reduce your current caloric intake to 1844.2 calories per day you will lose one pound(0.45kg) per week without exercise.
2344.2 kalori sehari? aku ad brape kalori satu hari? nanti kita tengok ok!
2243 kalori. slowly? berape lame slow tu?
1844.2. hurm 0.45 kg 1 minggu. 1 bulan 1.8kg.

Exercise and Calorie Needs
  • If you exercise for 30 minutes each day, you may increase your caloric intake to 2552.4 calories per day and still maintain your current weight.
  • If you exercise for 60 minutes each day, you may increase your caloric intake to 2817.2 calories per day to maintain your current weight.
  • If you exercise for 30 minutes each day, you will be able to reach your goal weight with 2440 calories per day.
  • If you exercise for 60 minutes each day, you will be able to reach your goal weight with 2690.7 calories per day.
Aku tak nak maintan. Aku nak kurangkan berat lagi! so, 2 yang bawah boleh apply.tapi, aku jog pun seminggu 3 kali lebih kurah 30 minit je satu sesi. haish.

Jom kita cari berapa max kalori aku boleh dapat.

Nasi lemak:              389.50 cal
Nescafe panas:           97.70 cal
Total:                      487.2.0 cal

Nasi putih:                 166.50 cal
Sayur campur              57.40 cal
Ayam masak merah:    81.60 cal
Milo ais                     140.75 cal
Total:                      446.25 cal

Nasi goreng:              637.9 cal
Burger:                       236.9 cal
Nescafe ais:                 88.7 cal
Total:                        963.5 cal

 TOTAL :1896.95 cal

Aku rasa ni tak betul la. banyak betul aku makan satu hari. Tapi, nilai kalori tetap bawah 2000 cal jugak. pelik aku. ok takpe kita teruskan je.

So, apa yang aku dapat dari 'research' ni:
  1. Nilai kalori yang aku ambil ok.
  2. Tak perlu kurangkan ambil makanan.
  3. Aku perlu revise balik pasal makanan aku ambil sebab aku tak ambil kira pasal fat, carbs and protien.
  4. Aku perlu wat research lagi pasal cara nak burn calories pulak.
Masa google mende-mende ni sume. aku jumpe artikel ni. enjoy!

KISSING: Kissing can burn around 120-325 calories an hour, or around 2-5 calories a minute. Engaging in long make-out sessions with your partner is not only good for your relationship; it is also good for your waistline. A 10 minute make-out session with your partner each morning and each evening could burn up to 100 calories a day. That’s 36,500 calories a year, or just over 10 pounds worth of weight loss. When was the last time you made out with your partner.
UNDRESSING: According to an Italian professor, even undressing can burn off calories. Unclasping a bra with two hands burns 8 calories, while unclasping it with only one hand burns up 18 calories. Unclasping it with your mouth can burn 87 calories.
ORAL SEX: 15 minutes of oral sex can burn off the calories consumed in a long sip of wine. There are calories present in semen, though, so if you swallow, there are around 7 calories in a teaspoon of semen. Since the average volume of ejaculation is 1-2 teaspoons, you can expect an average of 7-14 calories per ejaculation. That will easily be burned off during the course of your lovemaking, though.
MASTURBATION: You don’t have to have a partner to enjoy the calorie-burning effects of sex. Masturbation can burn up the calories, as well. You can lose between 100-150 calories for each act of masturbation, according to the Young People’s Reproductive and Sexual Health & Rights Organization. You can raise that amount to around 300 calories, though, through a 5 minute vigorous masturbation session, according to Japanese scientist Dr. Shukan Tokuho.
calories burnt during sexINTERCOURSE: The average lovemaking session burns between 50 and 100 calories. Having sex 3 times a week burns 7500 calories per year. That’s the equivalent of jogging 75 miles. The more intense the sex, the more calories are burned: up to 15,000 calories annually (at a frequency of 3 times weekly). 15,000 calories wquals over 4 pounds of weight loss per year!
ORGASM: Experts estimate that an orgasm can burn between 60-100 calories.



Unknown said...

erk, nice kecuali note last...

sy baru je blajo pasl kcal last month, tpi tak ter-postpost lg..

juwei said...

erm nice what... :D

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